Codice | Confezione: 5/MY35L | 5 l canister
1/MY35L | 1 l (pack of 12 bottles)
2/MY35L | 1 l (pack of 2 bottles)
1/MY35L | 1 l (pack of 12 bottles)
2/MY35L | 1 l (pack of 2 bottles)
Nota importante: Shake the container well before use. Mayline 35L can be mixed with glycols and antifreezes but NOT with other chemical products. The self-sealing liquid may be left inside the system, but if a protective agent with inhibitors is used, than the self sealing liquid solution must be removed.
Protect the product from frost.
Istruzioni d'uso: Quantify the daily leakage. Quantify the system’s contents. Bleed the pumps well after inserting the liquid! Remove or bypass all the fi lters and screens. Adjust the boiler’s maximum temperature and pressure. Open all radiator valves and mixing valves completely. Bleed the re-circulation pumps well and leave them in function. Use a loading pump to insert the necessary amount of self-sealing liquid. Bleed the re-circulation pumps again. The system must remain in function for at least 7 hours at maximum temperature. The Mayline35L may be left inside the system, but if a protective agent with inhibitors is used, than the self sealing liquid solution must be removed. If necessary, drain the system’s water to eliminate any eventual residues.
Dati di sicurezza: In the event of eye contact, rinse eyes thoroughly with much water and consult a doctor. In the event of skin contact, rinse well with water. Wear gloves and protective eyewear. Use water to immediately remove the product from objects such as tiles, flooring, wash basins, etc. Keep out of reach of children!
Composizione: Refer to the material safety data sheet (MSDS)
Proporzione di miscela: 1-2% (1-2 litres of Mayline 35L for every 100 litres of water).
Transport: The product is not hazardous for transport. The indications are provided based on actual experience. Technical changes are possible.
Smaltimento: For information concerning waste disposal/effluent, please consult the corresponding safety data sheet.
Scadenza: Shelf life 5 years (from date of manufacture)