Improve performance
The roots of MAYCHEM date back to 1975 when the company began offering sealing services and selling only two products for sealing leaks in heating systems. Through continuous investments in research for new solutions and, above all, the training of its own personnel, the company started producing for large and multinational companies at the European level in the 1990s.
In recent years, Maychem has become particularly sensitive to meeting specific market demands in various sectors, continuously improving internal processes to further pursue the main company objectives: satisfied customers and high-quality products.
To always ensure high standards of quality for the various services provided, the company has adopted a Quality Management System in accordance with the letter and spirit of the international reference standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015. In line with this choice, the Administrator considers the company’s Policy to be of fundamental importance in carrying out activities and delivering services to its customers.
In pursuit of customer satisfaction, as traditionally characterized by the company over the years and consolidated by the adoption of a company management system, the Company has defined precise objectives for the subsequent monitoring of the integrated system, namely:
• Ensuring customers a consistent level of quality in all services provided, as well as the adherence of operators to the work procedures and quality standards defined by the company. • Providing qualified and competent personnel in the provision of services, capable of meeting the diverse needs of customers, as well as adhering to the previously agreed contractual conditions. • Paying attention to the needs of stakeholders, from the moment of the request to the delivery of chemical products, through a monitoring and feedback evaluation system. • Managing all processes and activities according to a Quality Management System oriented towards risk-based thinking. • Managing all processes and activities according to a Quality Management System oriented towards the Customer System, in compliance with the international reference standard, as well as complying with the relevant regulations in force regarding health, safety in the workplace, and the environment.